Saturday, January 29, 2011

2 Awards!

Received this "love" award from my pal Corry at Free 4 Ever! Thanks ya too! MWAH!!! :)

I am supposed to pass this onto 3-5 more people but I feel like breaking the rules so whomever wants to grab this and feel the love go right ahead!

Received this "magical" award from my pal Michelle at I Luv Scrapping! Thank you so much my dear!! BIG HUGS!

I am supposed to pick 5 people and say why I like them and their blogs.
Annmaree - For her funny since of humor, inspiring creations, and being like a sister to me from across the world!
Merry - For always being so sweet, for her awesome work with stickers (she is the queen!), and for being the first to accept/follow me on blogland!
Becky - For being so kind-hearted, sharing a love of cooking, introducing wonderful new creative ideas with all her different projects.
Corry - For being so genuine and honest, for your lovely coloring on all your projects, and for "protecting" me! :P
Jacque - For her positive attitude, stunning creations with lots of detail and her gift of always giving to others.

You ladies are ALL fabulous including Michelle that sent this to me. She is so giving and thoughtful and always has gorgeous scrapbook pages.

Thanks again to Corry and Michelle for the awards!!
You all rock!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tasty Tuesday and Happy Australian Day!

With the huge time difference I do believe Australians are already celebrating and since I have a few very good pals that live there I thought I would wish all you over in Oz a Happy Australian Day!!

To tie this in even further my recipe this week is one I got from my buddy Annmaree at Emu Creations! She even sent me the wonderful Arnott's Choc Ripple Biscuits clear across the world so I could make this recipe!! I can NOT find these anywhere near where I live and I haven't found a good substitute either.....if anyone knows of one I would love to hear about it!!

So here it is....Arnott's Choc Ripple Cake!!!

** Sorry it was already half eaten before I remembered to take a picture ** It doesn't look as pretty as the recipe on the package but it still tastes great!!!

The company (Arnott's) does have a link to their recipe but for some reason it won't work here in the USA so HERE is the same recipe on a different site I found. ENJOY!!!